Looking for a space for scrapbooking? Try your garage!

Garage Workshop Garages tend to be synonymous with parking your car, working on your car, or storing your treasured items. But why not look at your garage in a different light. With a little bit of TLC, you can spruce your garage up and make it into the perfect scrapbooking corner!

Where to start?

We understand that transforming your garage from the dingy, dark room into a beautiful, bright studio might seem like a daunting task. But if you follow our easy tips, you’ll be up and running in no time.

Install decent lighting

We’ve left this at the top of our list because we think it is the most important thing you need to do. Bad lighting can lead to horrible headaches, and might even hinder you from seeing your colour choices properly. If you work at night, you’ll have to make sure the overhead and table lighting is sufficient, if you work during the day, you might have to install blinds or curtains to make sure the window light isn’t too bright.

Locate your sockets

There might already be tons of electrical outlets in your garage, but you might need to add some more. Whatever you do, hire a professional. Your scrapbooking studio will be a whole lot safer if a qualified electrician does the job. When working, avoid plugging too many devices into the same socket, and try to limit your use of extension cords. If you are using extension cords, ensure they are no longer than 5 feet, and never place an extension cord under a mat or rug unless it is grounded.

Get your workspace right

Just like anyone working with a home office, you need to make sure your work surface is usable. A large table is the best bet for scrapbooking as you’ll need plenty of space, a smooth surface that’s easy to wipe down is also essential. To try and keep on top of mess, only keep the items you’re using on the surface and carefully tidy other things away.

Don’t forget about storage

Storage Space With ShelvesScrapbooking is the kind of hobby that requires a lot of storage space, so make sure your garage setup has plenty of shelves, drawers and other storage areas. There’s no set rule on how you should setup your space, it’s entirely up to you if you prefer open shelving or boxes and crates… Maximize use of the space by installing pegboards on the walls where you can hang items. Why not look to Pinterest for inspiration? And don’t forget to measure your space before you buy!

Give yourself somewhere to sit

A comfortable and supporting work chair is arguably as important as the lighting. Anyone who works in an office will know that sitting for long periods of time is not good for your back, neck or shoulders. Make your chair a worthwhile investment and opt for something with adjustable back support, wheels, and a chair that can swivel. Your body will thank you!


Not really an essential item, but you will feel more comfortable in the space if it’s nicely decorated. Pick a large rug to make the room feel cozier, or, depending on your budget, lay some vinyl or laminate flooring.


You’re not going to use your garage as your scrapbooking studio unless it is properly insulated and weather-stripped. Not only is a non- or poorly-insulated garage cold in the winter, it’s damp and humid all year round. By properly insulating and heating your garage, you’ll be able to spend hours in there comfortably working on your projects. Another important point to consider is ventilation: If you’re going to be using lots of aerosol products, you need to properly insulate your garage. Depending on the products you’re working with, opening a window may suffice.

Of course, this isn’t an in-depth article, and there are many other factors you will have to consider depending on the state of your garage, but it is food for thought. Just like with any project, take it slow and only do what you have to for now, your ideas might change as you spend more time in there.

While you’re tidying up your garage, why not invest in a new garage door?

You might need to invest in a new garage door if your current door isn’t insulated, or maybe you’re just sick of seeing your past-its-best door. Well, all you have to do is give us a call at 207-784-0622. We can help if your garage door needs a good tune-up, or if you’re looking for something new. Once we know a little bit more about your needs, we can send you a detailed quotation, we can even come out to your home to evaluate your needs in person.

If you’ve already seen a door you like the look of, try out our design center tool and see how well it fits with your home. If you’re looking for inspiration, visit our image gallery.


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